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Foreign Investments to Sudan Reaches Two Billion Dollars

Foreign Investments to Sudan Reaches Two Billion Dollars

The Minister of Investment Dr. Mudathir Abdul-Ghani Abdul-Rahman has said that the investment projects would open up prospects for the national labor. The foreign investments to Sudan reaches two billion dollars.

This came during his speech at the opening session of the Conference of the Prospects for Development and Investment in Sennar State, which was held at the Friendship Hall on Wednesday morning under sponsorship of the First Vice-President Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih.

He affirmed that the ministry has worked to create an investment environment and prepared investment projects in the service, agricultural and industrial sectors, pointing out that the volume of foreign investment projects in the country during the past six months amounted to $ 1.8 million.

The minister stressed that his ministry's keenness on the development of the systems of the free zones and border areas, revealing the start of constructions of Al-Galabat free zone, which is considered as a quantum leap in the revitalization of the economy of border States.

The Minister of Investment said that the number of the approved projects in Sennar State totaled 231 covering agricultural, industrial and service sectors whereas the number of projects in the year 2016 amounted to only 38 projects.
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