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Morocco Adopts New Rules for Advance Clearance of Imported Goods

Morocco Adopts New Rules for Advance Clearance of Imported Goods

Image from Moroccoworldnews

Morocco's Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes (ADII) issued a statement on September 26, to define the new rules governing the procedure for advance clearance of goods imported by sea and air.

According to the ADII, these new rules that anticipate customs clearance requirements are a critical move to lower the clearing time of imported products.

To implement these new procedures, the accounting declaration will be registered on the BADR system before the arrival of the goods, without prior authorization, imported by sea or air, the ADII explained.

A batch of a registered summary declaration will also be pre-arranged.

According to the customs office, the declarant must check the “in advance” box in the BADR system.

To ensure the success of this measure, sea and air carriers will be invited to ensure strict compliance with the regulatory deadlines for filing summary declarations and to issue the necessary advanced vouchers, the ADII noted.

Morocco has also recently implemented new customs rules on purchases made via international e-commerce platforms. 

The government imposed, starting July this year, new import tariffs on all products purchased online from abroad.

The decision came in a bid to tackle unfair competition and crack down on what it describes as an illicit trend of online shopping.

It also follows the examination by the ADII of the notable growth and turnover some foreign platforms have obtained in Morocco through online purchases, which surpassed MAD 1 billion ($99 million) in 2021.

This restriction does not apply to non-commercial shipments received from abroad with a value of less than MAD 1,250 ($125), which will continue to benefit from the ADII decree’s customs exemption.

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