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Trade between Egypt and Kenya up by 4.1% in 2022, CAPMAS

Trade between Egypt and Kenya up by 4.1% in 2022, CAPMAS

Image from Egypttoday


Egypt-Kenya trade witnessed an uptick in 2022, climbing 4.1 percent to record $663.6 million, up from $637.4 million in 2021, revealed the latest data from the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).  

Egyptian exports to Kenya dropped by 6.9 percent, with export value slipping to $355.7 million, down from 2021’s $382 million.

Exports were driven mainly by paper with Kenya importing products valued at $43.4 million, followed by plastics and its byproducts with $36.7 million, and sugar and its byproducts came third, valued at $34.5 million.

Egyptian imports of Kenyan products climbed by 20.6 percent to $307.9 million in 2022, up from $255.4 million in 2021, explained CAPMAS. This was led by coffee and tea products worth $278.7 million, followed by paper with imports valued at $11.4 million and fruits with $10.5 million.

During FY2021/2022, Kenyan investments in Egypt saw a significant surge, recording a jump of 240.3 percent in value to record $3.8 million, compared to 2021’s reported $1.1 million.

Egyptian and Kenyan Ministries of Water and Irrigation met yesterday to prepare an upcoming MoU to develop the water sector in both countries. An official cabinet statement added that the long-term collaboration includes the construction of ten dams to collect rainwater and the excavation of ten underwater wells.

Egypt’s engineering exports rose by 10 percent during the first 7 months of 2023, reaching $2.492 billion between January and July compared to the $2.271 billion recorded during the same period last year, revealed the latest report by the Engineering Export Council of Egypt (EEC).

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