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Commercial Timber Resources Statistic in South Africa

Commercial Timber Resources Statistic in South Africa

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The total commercial timber plantation area in 2016/2017 was 1 212 383  hectares. Private sector ownership accounts for 82% of the total plantation area.

Softwood species cover 50% of the area and hardwood species cover 50% . 57% of the plantation area is managed mainly for pulpwood production, 37% for sawlog  purposes  and  2%  for  mining  timber  with  the  remaining  3%  for  other purposes.

During the 2016/2017 year 9 786 310 tons were sold as pulpwood, 4 702 445 m³ as sawlogs and 291 611 tons as mining timber.

A comparison, by province, of the 2016/2017 reported plantation area and the area included in this Report is given in the table below.

Plantation Area
Primary Roundwood Processing
142  plants  were  in  operation,  of  which  77  were  sawmills  (including  veneer  and plywood plants), 32 pole treating plants, 20 pulp and board mills and chipping plants and 14 mining timber mills.

The total roundwood intake during the year was 17 732 543 m³. The delivered at mill cost of the total roundwood intake was R10.10 billion.  The value of sales of timber products totalled R26.61 billion. An  amount  of  some  R22.06  billion  (R21.81  billion)  was  invested  in  primary  roundwood processing plants.

Sales of Products
1.Sales Value The  total  value  of  reported  sales  of  timber  based  products  in  2016/2017  amounted  to R26.61 billion an increase of 4.2% on the value of R25.53 billion reported for the 2015/2016 period. Woodpulp and paper products continue to dominate  the  industry  accounting  for R14.55 billion or 54.7% .
Refer to Table B16.0 on page 112 for a list of all values.
Value of Sales and/or Transfers-out of Timber and Timber Products 2016/2017

2.Sale Quantities
The  reported  sales  quantities  for  the  major  wood  products  and  major  pulp  and  board products are reflected in summarised Tables on the following page.

Quantity of sales of major wood products
Sawn timber        2 141 199m³
Poles                   583 964 m³
Mining timber     323 634 tons
Woodchips      1 951 890 tons

Quantity of sales of pulp and board products
Paper grade pulp     475 060 tons
Dissolving  pulp       967 446 tons
Particle board         1 015 031 m³
Fibreboard                 411 403 m³

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